Monday, February 21, 2011

This and That

First, let me start by saying "Happy Monday" to you all!
As you can see, Charlie has a little hangover today. Too much fun with Victor last night.

Yesterday was so beautiful and I really had nothing on my "to do" list besides the grocery store. Philip was out on his road bike for 4 hours so it gave me lots of time to enjoy a day to myself.
My plan was G.G.P. That's Groceries.Gym.Pedi. I was more excited about the pedi than the other two tasks, for obvious reasons. I got the first two tasks checked off with no problems. Yay for me. The pedi, however, never happened. Apparently every lady in Lee County wanted a pedi yesterday but the nail salons gave their staff the day off. In a nut shell, two nail salons and a 30 minute wait and no pedi. Boo hoo!

Instead I got myself a bottle of wine (white, since it was daylight), opened the windows and porch door, and got to cookin'.
First, I made the blueberry muffins I posted about a few weeks ago.

Ta-daaaa!!!! I think they are better the second time around ;)

Then I moved on to homemade spaghetti sauce. Let me just tell you that I could drink this sauce! One of our good friends gave us an immersion blender as a wedding present (sounds like a strange gift but I have used it so much it's already had to be replaced) and put this recipe in with it. So clever, a gift and a recipe that requires the use of said gift. Anywho, I love this sauce and it makes a TON! Enough to freeze several containers for quick, weeknight meals. I don't have the recipe with me to post, but will try to remember to soon.

On the training front, this weekend was a short (ha!) 10 mile run. Saturday was beautiful so I didn't mind the distance at all. Until two hours after when I was in the dressing room at the Gap and realized I was fried! Like, burnt to a crisp. With a line from my armband and sports bra. Good luck getting that to go away the rest of the summer!
As for the Hubbie and his Ironman training, he had a great week. Didn't miss a single workout (which is fabulous considering his work schedule!). I think he totaled something like 13 or 14 hours worth of workouts this week. Sheesh!!! He got home from his bike yesterday and laid in the kitchen floor while I was cooking. It cracked me up! But no rest for the weary, he was up bright and early at 4:45am today. Not sure exactly what his workout was, seeing that me and Charlie were still nestled in the bed:)

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