Wednesday, June 20, 2012


As of yesterday, I am 14 weeks.  Which means I'm out of the first trimester:)  That seems totally crazy to me.

I've, of course, neglected to post on the blog about this (or anything really).  I'm afraid if I don't, I'll be mad at myself one day that I didn't at least somewhat keep track of this pregnancy.

How I've Felt: Suprisingly good!  I never got sick (hooray).  Just a few waves of nausea here and there.  My boobs have been sore as hell though!  I was pretty tired there for a while but last week and this week my energy level seems to be coming back.  I've had some pretty bad headaches as well.

Cravings: Cheese, in all forms.  Just thinking about it makes me want to go down to the mexican restaurant and order a large queso:)  Sweets - which is very unusual for me.

Books I've Read: Belly Laughs by Jenny McCarthy; Bringing up Bebe by Pamela Drukerman; skimmed through What to Expect.  But that book totally freaks me out.  It's so overly cautious about everything.  "Don't eat              because 1 out of 1 million pregnant women got (insert crazy sickness)".  Give me a break and tell me the sh&t I really need to know people!

Things of Note: We have recently found out that two of Philip's PA School classmates are also pregnant and due about 3 weeks before me. 

Not yet in maternity clothes.  And I'm trying to hold out as long as I can!  I have a feeling that jeans will be my first purchase.  My regular ones are starting to get a little tight.

At my doctors appointment last Thursday, the baby's heart rate was 160 bpm.  He said everything sounded good. 

We find out the gender on July 11th.  I'm ready to know!  I wish I was cool enough to wait but I'm just not.  At this point, I have no feeling either way.  If you read all the symptom indicators, I'm about 50/50.  So who the hell knows...

I've still been working out.  Not as much or as hard as I did before but trying to get to the gym at least 3-4 times a week.  I'm still running but either on the treadmill or in the mornings.  It's too hot after work to run outside.  We are running the Peachtree Road Race (10k) on July 4th.  I will be 16 weeks.  Should be interesting.

Here's the belly shot at 14 weeks.  It's barely there but you can see it.  In regular clothes, it's not as obvious.

And can we please talk about how awkward it is to take a picture of yourself in a mirror???  What a strange little thing.  I look like a freak every time.

Something extra...

Written on 5/5/12:

Looks like we brought back something extra from Italy!!!

That's right folks, we're preggers!  I found out on Wednesday, April 11.  I took a pregnancy test the Sunday after we got back from Italy and it was negative.  No big deal.  We joke about getting pregnant in Italy but seriously, who gets pregnant that fast???  Apparently we do.

Fast forward a week to the 11th. Me and Philip were finishing up a run & bike on some nearby trails. For some reason, I had this nagging thought that I should take another pregnancy test, even though the one the week before had been negatigve. While we were cooking dinner, Philip said he was going to open a bottle of wine. I said, "let me just take a test before you do, just to be sure." Two mintues later and BAM! 

To say we were shocked would be an understatement!  I made Philip ride with me to CVS to get more tests because I was so surprised.  One more test that night and another one two days later and I think I finally started believing that I was pregnant. 

I had my first doctors appointment on Monday, April 16.  They confirmed that I was, in fact, pregnant and set up an ultrasound for May 2.  

We told our parents pretty much right away.  They were tickled to say the least.  We told a few friends right away but that's only because if you see me at dinner without a glass of wine, it's pretty obvious something's up :)

I went to the doctor on May 2nd for my first ultrasound.  What a strange but exciting thing.  We got confirmation on how far along I am and the due date.  So as of my appointment, I was 7 weeks and 1 day.  Due date is December 18, 2012!

First Belly Shot: 7 weeks, 2 days.