Monday, February 14, 2011


Our race group: Phil, Me, Tony, Britney, Halley (T's sister), Brannon (B's brother)

My wonderful Hubbie. He had done a long 3.5 hour bike ride on Saturday so he decided to run with me. We both had long runs this weekend for our respective training plans so we thought it would be fun to run a race together. He definitely pushed me and maybe I pushed him a little since he was running on worn out legs from his bike the day before.
We did the Mercedes Half Marathon yesterday. It was #7 for me, probaby closer to #10 for Philip. It was a fun race, as usual. And we got to see a ton of our Birmingham friends!
This was one was even better than usual because I somehow managed a PR :0)
My best time by 10 minutes. To some, this doesn't mean anything. But to a runner, shaving 10 mintues off your race time is HUGE! So, I'll continue to pat myself on the back for a few more days ;)

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