Monday, April 28, 2008

Fun with the Folks! (Some of them at least!)

We had a great weekend! My mom has gone to Fripp Island, SC for almost 2 weeks so my dad came in town to visit us this weekend. Friday night we went to our fav, Amsterdam. It was delish, of course! Saturday morning dad and Philip played golf with 2 of daddy's friends. Well....from what I hear Philip kind of played:) He's just starting to take up the game so he'll play a few holes here & there. Hopefully we'll be able to get him some lessons soon. While they were doing that, I shopped a little bit and took Charlie to get a much needed bath. Although when I went late that afternoon to pick him up, he didn't look all fluffy and clean like I thought he would. He did smell like baby powder though, so it makes me wonder if they just sprinkled him with a little of that and called it a day...oh well!

Later Saturday afternoon, Philip's parents came down for the night in hopes to help us finish draining the pool. Unfortunately, we were not successful getting the remainder of the water out of the pool but we did get to visit with his parents so that was nice. We grilled steaks & shrimp and rested!

Sunday morning dad left early so he could make it back to Greenville in time for his Sunday golf! We hit the road to Atlanta with Philip's parents to catch the last stage of the Tour de Georgia. It was a lot of fun, something I have never been to before.

By the time we got back home yesterday afternoon, we were both pooped! But it was worth it to have a great weekend with our parents (minus my mom)!
George Hincapie
Riders going out for Lap 5 of 10
Philip, me & Charlie at the finish- Charlie is having much more fun than this picture indicates!:)

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