5 Things!I have been tagged! What can I say, I'm a sucker for these things!
Five Things on My To-Do List Today:
1. Pick up dry cleaning
2. Pick up draw checks from the bank and take them to our builer- NO FUN!
3. Hopefully have lunch with my hubbie!
4. Eat Dinner with my Daddy
5. Check out the size of the hole in our kitchen ceiling from having a leak repaired- so FUN!
Five snacks I enjoy:
1. Anything chocolate!
2. Nilla Wafers & peanut butter
3. Ice Cream with dark chocolate syrup
4. Butterfingers
5. Cheese- all kinds!
Five Things I would do if I were a billionaire:
1. Pay off all debt/invest/save
2. Travel! Travel! Travel!
3. Shop with Kea!!
4. Buy a BMW- probaby a 7 series and an X-5 so I can drive whichever I am in the mood for that day:)
5. Take Philip to the Tour de France
Five Bad Habits:
1. Worrying too much about EVERYTHING!
2. Picking split ends
3. Procrastinating in general
4. Sometimes spending money i don't really have
5. Wanting things I can't afford (see above #4)
Five Place I Have Lived:
1. Birmingham, Alabama (born and raised)
2. Sylacauga, Alabama
3. Auburn, Alabama (college)
4. Birmingham, Alabama (5 years after college)
5. Auburn, Alabama for the past 4 months!
Five Jobs I have had:
1. Pettrucelli's Italian Eatery
2. Johnny Rockets
3. Papa Joe's Pizza (NOT Papa Johns!)
4. CRC Insurance Services
5. Auburn Chamber of Commerce
Five Friends I Would Like to Tag:
1. Jennifer
2. Lauren
3. Lindsey - it is time to update your blog! :)
4. Jamie - that goes for you too Jamie! haha
5. Britney