Monday, February 8, 2010

It begins...

3 Half Marathons in 3 months!! The first one is Mercedes Half this Sunday in Birmingham. I'm keeping my fingers crossed for good (decent) weather. Some days I feel ready and others I wonder what the hell I'm thinking. My last half marathon was a long time ago, September. We have kept up our mileage since, even through the holidays, and ran about 12.5 miles three Saturdays ago but I am still starting to feel nervous. I think this happens every time. Maybe what scares me the most is that I've got to turn around and do another one in 3 weeks (March 7th)!! Or that we (me, Lyndsay and Mary) said that after the last race in April, we will decide whether or not to go for a full marathon by the end of 2010. I can honestly say I am no where near ready to make that committment! Or that this time last year, I could barely even run one mile after months of physical therapy after my ACL repair. So far, the knee has held up pretty well. But every now and then it lets me know its not 100%, will this be the race where it gives me fits???

For this week, I'm going to try to keep my focus on Sunday. And try not to get too caught up in running a certain time (although I do have a goal in mind). I'll keep my focus on the thrill of the race. Lining up at the start line with 5,000 other people who all share the same goal as you, running 13.1 miles. I'll focus on the fact that I have two amazing friends that keep me accountable and make me get my butt out of bed on a cold, drizzly Saturday morning when all I want to do is stay snuggled up under the covers. A husband that is also a runner, and my running coach- of sorts. The feeling that you get when you cross that finish line. It's undescribable. No matter how many times you've done it. And the beer that will be waiting for me at the finish line:)

1 comment:

Sara Singleton said...

Funny, i had some of the SAME thoughts yesterday as i did a mere 7 miles... And Brett's set on signing up for the Chicago full next week. I really think i'm an idiot if i sign up. That's a whole lotta freak'n running to train for!!!!

See you Sunday:)