Thursday, July 15, 2010

Decisions Decisions...

I have been wanting to run a full marathon for a while now. But I am having a hard time pulling the trigger and signing up for one. I am very intimidated by the whole thing. A half is one thing. 13.1 miles I can wrap my head around. No big. Done 6 (wow, didn't realize it had been that many). But the thought of DOUBLING that...EEEEKKKK!!!!! My two running buddies, Lyndsay and Mary, are on board and we've decided next spring is the right time. Mainly so we don't have to train in the Alabama summer heat!!! I think last night we almost decided on the Big Sur Marathon in California. Registration opens today. Now lets see if I actually sign up!!!


The Patterson Family said...

Oh I can only imagine how beautiful that would be! I'll come cheer you on & sit in a lawn chair with a bottle of wine! haha :)

Elizabeth said...

YES! Everyone come on out! :) Brooke, you'll have some company in the lawn chair section.